

Nik Cina Exir

Supplement To Improve Visual Function

Experts Supplement Vision Enhancement

Nik Cina Exir is proud to always use the point of view of experts. You can see the opinion of some experts about Wimaxir vision supplement

Dr. Parisa Rahimi Pharmacist

VimExir eye enhancement product is only suitable for vision enhancement; It is suitable for all people who suffer from micronutrient deficiencies such as zinc, xanthine and lutein, vitamins E and A, and for people with inherited eye diseases that cause night vision loss and vision loss, such as retinitis pigmentosa.

Dr. Frank Mahdavi Pharmacist

VimExir Eye Supplement contains two powerful antioxidants and these substances are able to protect against free radicals that our eyes are always exposed to and increase night vision. It is also recommended for people who have cataracts or who have had eye surgery due to cataracts, because it contains high amounts of lutein and is very suitable for people with cataracts.

Dr. Maedeh Yaghoubi Pharmacist

Due to the fact that due to coronation, education has been online for a long time and students and teachers were required to use online systems, which causes damage to light-sensitive cells in the eye, the complementary product Wimxir vision enhancement is very suitable for solving problems caused by long-term use of computers.

Dr. Shima Behshad Pharmacist

VimExir vision enhancement supplement eliminates the body's need for micronutrients such as vitamin A, vitamin E, lutein, xanthine and zinc, and for all people who use computers and smartphones and are exposed to blue light for a long time and the possibility of To computer vision syndrome in these people is high; It is very suitable and recommended. Also, people today suffer from age-related macular degeneration due to old age, and the amount of micronutrients in this supplement can improve and reduce the complications and problems caused by macular degeneration.


Nik Cina Exir

Supplement To Improve Brain Function

Experts Complement Brain Strengthening

Nik Cina Exir is proud to always use the point of view of experts. You can see the opinion of some experts about VimExir Brain supplement

Dr. Parisa Rahimi Pharmacist

Cytocholine is an important mediator in the synthesis of phosphatidylcholine. Phosphatidylcholine is an important component of cell membranes. Numerous animal studies and several human studies have shown the beneficial effects of citicoline on stroke, memory impairment and cognitive impairment. Other studies have been performed as clinical trials in patients aged 50-70 years who first had a stroke at the site of the middle cerebral artery. According to this study, patients who received cytocholine supplementation had significantly better improvement in the fourth week than the control group.

Dr. Frank Mahdavi Pharmacist

Cytocholine is an essential mediator in the biosynthesis of structural phospholipids in cell membranes. As a supplement, citicoline is used to prevent and improve Alzheimer's and other forms of forgetfulness, head trauma, cerebrovascular diseases such as stroke, memory loss due to aging, Parkinson's disease, ADHD and glaucoma

Dr. Maedeh Yaghoubi Pharmacist

Alzheimer's is a neurodegenerative brain disease in which neurons, especially cholinergic neurons in the brain, are destroyed and a person suffers from memory loss. Treating and caring for Alzheimer's patients is costly in terms of health. Extensive efforts and research have been made to develop new drug compounds in the prevention, cure or treatment of Alzheimer's. Evidence suggests that wimaxir memory enhancement supplement, containing citicoline, is involved in the production of membrane phospholipids and the oxidative stress system. This supplement could possibly be a protective mechanism in response to amyloid induction in Alzheimer's

Dr. Shima Behshad Pharmacist

Acute ischemic stroke is defined as a sudden episode of brain dysfunction caused by blockage in the blood vessels of the brain. This condition is the main cause of long-term disability and the second leading cause of death. Wimxir Citicoline is a memory supplement that can prevent the death of brain cells located near the damaged area of the brain.


Nik Cina Exir

Supplement To Improve Heart Function

Complementary Experts Improve Heart Function

Nik Cina Exir is proud to always use the point of view of experts. You can see the opinion of some experts about VimExir Heart Supplement

Dr. Parisa Rahimi Pharmacist

Quetone along with other nutrients such as vitamin E and omega-3 fatty acids help reduce inflammation in the body, and taking standard doses of quinone supplements in people with MS and Parkinson's can reduce the symptoms of these diseases. Therefore, taking wimaxir supplement is very suitable due to having these micronutrients.

Dr. Frank Mahdavi Pharmacist

Kyoton strengthens the heart muscle and also helps maintain the health of the arteries and their elasticity. Kyoten also lowers blood pressure and increases heart health through the above methods, which can be a good choice.

Dr. Maedeh Yaghoubi Pharmacist

Kyoton contributes to heart health in a number of ways. As an antioxidant, it prevents the oxidation of bad cholesterol (LDL) and its conversion into a sticky substance that increases the risk of coronary heart disease.

Dr. Shima Behshad Pharmacist

Today, due to nutritional and lifestyle conditions, many patients suffer from high blood cholesterol and are required to take cholesterol-lowering drugs; These drugs are COA-HMG reductase inhibitors such as lovastatin and simvastatin. Taking these drugs may inhibit the natural synthesis of coenzyme Q10. Decreased levels of coenzyme Q10 may expose the patient to side effects from COA-HMG reductase inhibitors, especially myopathy. Give; Therefore, taking wimaxir supplement, which contains high amounts of quetone, is recommended for this group of people.